【新刊速递】《安全研究》(SS),Vol.33,No.2,2024 | 国政学人
2024-09-12 21:29:33


《安全研究》(Security Studies)收录出版创新性的学术稿件——无论是理论研究、实践经验分享还是两者兼而有之。安全研究包含广泛的议题,从核扩散、核威慑、军民关系、战略文化、种族冲突、流行病与国家安全、民主政治、外交决策到定性与多方法研究的发展。2024年该期刊影响因子为2.464。




Buying Survival: Why Do Leaders Hire Mercenaries?



The Market for Foreign Bases



Lethal Targeting and Adaptation Failure in Terrorist Groups



Sino-Russian Military Alignment and Its Implications for Global Security



Public Support for Power Grabs after Civil Conflict



题目:Buying Survival: Why Do Leaders Hire Mercenaries?

作者:Leonardo Gentil-Fernandes,马里兰大学政治学系博士后;Kelly Morrison, 田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校政治学系助理教授;Jacob Otto, 匹兹堡大学政治学系博士生。


Mercenaries play an increasingly important role in international and domestic security. Why do leaders hire mercenaries? We argue that leaders employ private military organizations to guard against the risk of coups, but only when these leaders have weak ties to the international community. While mercenaries can diffuse domestic military capacity, an essential coup-proofing function, they also put some leaders at risk of international opprobrium given strong norms against their use. We find support for our theory across countries and over time: Leaders with high coup risk and low international accountability are especially likely to hire mercenaries. Our theory and findings provide unique insight into the importance of private military organizations for domestic security.


题目:The Market for Foreign Bases

作者:Renanah Miles Joyce,美国马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆布兰代斯大学政治学助理教授;Brian Blankenshi,美国佛罗里达州科勒尔盖布尔斯迈阿密大学政治学助理教授。


Power projection is a central means by which states exert influence. Conventional wisdom holds that states pay more for foreign bases in the presence of third-party competitors, yet the mechanisms by which competition shapes the costs of bases are both theoretically underspecified and empirically understudied. This article tests three mechanisms by which competition can shape the price of access: denial, crowding out, and information. We study the behavior of the United States in Africa, using new data on US compensation and bases and qualitative evidence from the US presence in Djibouti. Our findings suggest that China’s economic incentives have crowded out the effectiveness of US economic incentives in securing access. We further show that Djiboutian leaders escalated their demands for US compensation as other base-seekers entered the market due to a combination of US efforts to limit its rivals’ access and Djibouti’s learning about the value of its real estate.


题目:Lethal Targeting and Adaptation Failure in Terrorist Groups

作者:Bryce Loidolt,国防大学国家战略研究所高级研究员。


If terrorist organizations wish to thrive, they often must adapt to lethal targeting. Over time, terrorist leaders can identify countermeasures that evade or erode state surveillance capabilities. Lower-level operatives will resist implementing these adaptations, however, so leaders must enforce their implementation. Leaders of groups with decentralized command relationships will struggle to directly monitor and enforce compliance. Leaders with limited resources at their disposal will also be unable to invest in the bureaucratic capacity to discipline operatives’ behavior. These organizational deficiencies become increasingly costly when state surveillance capabilities increase. I find support for this thesis by examining Arabic language correspondence from Usama bin Ladin’s compound related to the drone campaign in Pakistan. My argument contributes to theories of adaptation and the coercive power of warfighting technologies. It also suggests that advanced surveillance and strike capabilities may be insufficient for future counterterrorism success.


题目:Sino-Russian Military Alignment and Its Implications for Global Security

作者:Oriana Skylar Mastro,弗里曼·斯波格利国际问题研究所中心研究员和斯坦福大学政治学助理教授。

摘要原文:What is the nature and impact of Sino-Russian alignment? What are the conditions under which each is likely to support the other militarily and with what type of support? To answer these questions, this article presents a novel alignment framework that best captures war fighting capabilities and how great powers align and determines the values of each indicator based on English, Chinese and Russian sources. I argue that China and Russia are significantly aligned and trending towards an even more extensive alignment relationship. However, the scope of their military alignment is limited to facilitating China’s challenge of US hegemony in Asia. Additionally, Russian support comes in the form of enhancing China’s independent combat capacity and potentially providing support functions in wartime but does not extend to direct involvement. These findings have implications for the literature on alignment, deterrence calculations and our understanding of Russian and Chinese strategic thinking.


题目:Public Support for Power Grabs after Civil Conflict

作者:James Igoe Walsh,北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校政治学、数据科学和公共政策教授;Sam Whitt,海波因特大学政治学教授;Jacob Aronson,马里兰大学国际发展与冲突管理中心的助理研究科学家;Jonathan Hall,乌普萨拉大学和平与冲突研究系副教授兼高级讲师;Paul Huth,马里兰大学政府与政治系教授;Vera Mironova,中东研究所独立研究员。


Power-sharing is a recognized strategy for reaching durable settlements among rivals. However, power-sharing arrangements are often violated when one side grabs power. We examine public perceptions of power-sharing versus power-grabbing in the context of local policing in Mosul, Iraq. In a survey experiment, we investigate if -individuals believe that security in Mosul, in the aftermath of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) occupation, is enhanced or reduced under power-sharing versus power-grabbing treatments, which vary the authority held by distinct factions of the counter-ISIS coalition. The public is more likely to support power-grabbing than power-sharing in matters of policing and security. In the case of power-grabbing, there are also important moderating effects of conflict-related victimization. Unlike nonvictims who favor ingroup power-grabbing to enhance local ¬sectarian control, victims place a premium on stability, welcoming even external, out-group control over power-sharing among groups who might be at odds. Our results underscore the challenges of institutionalizing power-sharing mechanisms for peacebuilding after conflict.

编译 | 林志俊

审校 | 赖永祯

排版 | 郭洪纾

