《剑桥国际事务评论》(Cambridge Review of International Affairs)是一份同行评审期刊,发表关于国际事务的创新学术成果。其涵盖社会科学领域,包括国际关系、历史、法律、政治经济学、地区研究、发展研究和性别研究。它致力于采用多样化的方法和方法,并鼓励学术界和政策制定者提交多学科和跨学科的贡献。2023年该期刊的影响因子为1.7。
Crisis management in international organisations: the League of Nations’ response to early challenges
Norm contestation in EU foreign policy: understanding the effects of opposition and dissidence
Minding the gap: China contesting norms for public debt management?
When regional energy cooperation fails: learning from the struggles of Northeast Asia’s joint oil import mechanism
‘What gives you the right?’ Foreign policymakers’ perceptions of the legitimacy of sanctions against democratic breakdown in Venezuela (2014–2019)
Human rights versus national security in public opinion on foreign affairs: South Korean views of North Korea 2008–2019
题目:Crisis management in international organisations: the League of Nations’ response to early challenges
作者:Gisela Hirschmann,莱顿大学政治学研究所国际关系专业助理教授,主要研究方向为国际组织、制度变革、人权与和平行动。
摘要:国际组织(IOs)如何应对成员退出或预算削减等生存危机?一些国际组织选择忽视或适应挑战者的要求,而其他组织则通过增强制度性能力以抵御压力。然而,我们对塑造国际组织应对这些挑战的内部动态知之甚少。本文探讨了国际组织对威胁的感知在何种程度上决定了其应对危机的强度和方向。对国际联盟(League of Nations)应对早期危机的历史个案进行探索性分析表明,及时且一致的危机感知有助于组织采取更为果断和有力的应对策略。基于该分析,对于国际组织研究,可以得出两点结论:首先,在国际组织应对危机的过程中,国际官僚的作用不容忽视;其次,研究结果表明,对国际联盟危机管理的深入研究,有助于超越以往在国际关系研究中占主导地位的“国联失败”叙事。
How do international organisations (IOs) respond to existential challenges such as membership withdrawals or budget cuts? Some IOs manage to ignore the challenge or adapt to the demands of the challenging state whereas others build institutional capacities to resist the pressure. Yet, we know little about the internal dynamics that shape IOs’ responses to such challenges. This article investigates to what extent IOs’ threat perception determines the intensity and direction of their responses to crises. Using the League of Nations’ responses to early crises as an explorative historical case study, the analysis shows that a timely and homogenous perception of a crisis leads to a more assertive and substantial response. Two broader conclusions can be drawn from the analysis for IO research. First, the role of international bureaucrats should not be underestimated in shaping an IO’s response to crises. Second, the findings indicate that a more nuanced perspective on the League’s crisis management can help overcome the failure narrative that dominates the current understanding of the League in International Relations research.
题目:Norm contestation in EU foreign policy: understanding the effects of opposition and dissidence
作者:Diego Badell,西班牙巴塞罗那国际研究所博士前研究员,主要研究方向为国际安全、欧盟外交政策、国际人道法和国际规范。
The EU is as a liberal normative community, where liberal norms play a central role. While contestation is considered essential within a normative community to establish the legitimacy of norms, within the EU, contestation can also challenge the validity of its foundational norms. This raises the question of how this type of contestation affects EU foreign policy. This study examines two radical forms of contestation: opposition and dissidence. Through the analysis of two case studies, namely the Global Compact for Migration and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, it becomes evident that the EU’s foreign policy system can sustain opposition, but dissidence has the potential to challenge or undermine those norms.
题目:Minding the gap: China contesting norms for public debt management?
作者:Hai Yang(杨海),澳门大学政府与行政学系助理教授,主要研究方向为国际组织合法性和国际政治语言学。
摘要:本文探讨中国是否挑战、在何种程度上挑战以及如何挑战目前由七国集团(G7)及其主导的多边机构在发展中国家主权债务管理中所推崇的规范与实践。具体而言,本文关注三方面的规范:债务可持续性、债务透明度和附加条件的债务减免。为此,本文构建了一个规范竞争的分析框架(norm contestation typology),并据此分析中国如何在话语层面对上述规范提出质疑。同时,本文将中国的官方话语与其具体行动进行对比。基于分析,文章得出两点结论。首先,在话语层面,中国确实有挑战上述三个规范:中国推崇对债务可持续性和债务透明的独特理解,并强调(债权国)减免债务不应附加条件且应该公正平等。其次,中国的话语和具体行动存在脱节:其贷款和债务减免实践(正在)趋近既有主导行为体(G7)所偏好或倡导的实践。
This article addresses the questions of whether, to what extent, and how China contests the norms and practices for public debt management in developing countries as currently preferred by the Group of Seven (G7) and G7-led multilateral institutions. More specifically, it considers three norms: debt sustainability, debt transparency and conditional debt relief. To that end, I elaborate a norm contestation typology and apply it to analyse how China discursively contests these norms. Equally, I contrast China’s rhetoric with its actual behaviours. Two findings emerge from the analysis. First, there are notable efforts by China to contest the three norms, with Chinese officials emphasising a qualitatively distinct understanding of debt sustainability and debt transparency and the appropriateness of non-conditionality and equality in the provision of debt relief. Second, there is an apparent disjunction between China’s words and actions, with its actual lending and debt relief practices (becoming) more aligned with what is currently preferred or advocated by the established actors.
题目:When regional energy cooperation fails: learning from the struggles of Northeast Asia’s joint oil import mechanism
作者:Elai Rettig,巴伊兰大学政治学系助理教授,主要研究方向为能源政策、国家安全和国际环境政治。
The question of why some regions reject energy cooperation initiatives that aim to improve their overall security of supply puzzles scholars and policymakers advocating for deeper regional integration through energy trade. This was the case in Northeast Asia, where efforts to create a joint oil import mechanism to improve China, South Korea and Japan’s collective bargaining power against Middle East suppliers repeatedly failed and turned instead into competing bilateral contracts at higher prices for all three countries. This article offers two explanations for this puzzle. First, the unique technical challenges and costly logistics of establishing reliable oil and gas supply routes make bilateral agreements more credible than multilateral guarantees in regions characterised by geographical remoteness and high differential vulnerability to disruptions among its members. Second, the tendency of policymakers to securitise their country’s energy supply pushes them to overemphasise their relative vulnerabilities and fear any loss of autonomy over their supplies.
题目:‘What gives you the right?’ Foreign policymakers’ perceptions of the legitimacy of sanctions against democratic breakdown in Venezuela (2014–2019)
作者:Stefano Palestinia,意大利特伦托大学国际关系学院助理教,主要研究兴趣为独裁化与民主倒退;Yancy Villarroel,伦敦政治经济学院国际关系硕士。
Drawing on contemporary debates on legitimacy and contestation in international relations, the article offers a novel analytical framework to study processes of legitimation and delegitimation of international sanctions. We apply the framework to analyse foreign policymakers’ evaluations of the legitimacy of the sanctions imposed by states and international organisations against Nicolás Maduro’s regime in Venezuela. The content analysis of evaluative statements shows that (de)legitimation processes focus mostly on who has the right to enforce sanctions and reveals differentiated legitimacy evaluations of multilateral versus unilateral enforcers, as well as of different types of international organisations. Sanctions imposed by multilateral senders and with a restricted impact on targeted individuals are evaluated as more legitimate than unilateral sanctions with a wider scope. We argue that the study of the (de)legitimation of sanctions may have important implications not only for enhancing compliance, but especially for transforming international sanctions into a legitimate mechanism of global governance.
题目:Human rights versus national security in public opinion on foreign affairs: South Korean views of North Korea 2008–2019
作者:Joonbum Bae,科罗拉多州立大学政治学系助理教授,主要研究方向为国际安全、外交政策和军政关系;YuJung Julia Lee,科罗拉多州立大学政治学系助理教授,研究兴趣为发展政治学、妇女与政治问题以及亚洲政治。
While human rights are an integral part of liberal democratic rule, the extent to which public opinion in democracies prioritises human rights in other countries relative to other competing foreign policy priorities is not clear. This is particularly the case when a country that systematically breaches human rights also poses a serious security threat and there are incentives to improve relations with the regime in power. To assess whether and how the public values human rights vis-à-vis national security in foreign affairs, this paper utilises survey questions that capture the public’s relative preferences between the two in South Korean public opinion regarding relations with North Korea. It provides evidence that when a democratic government attempts to improve relations with a regime committing grave human rights violations, public opinion in the democracy deprioritises human rights in favour of reducing military tension. The findings shed light on the trade-off that exists in attempts to improve relations with a regime that is both a security threat and a systematic violator of human rights.
编译 | 崔馨月
审校 | 赖永祯
排版 | 崔笑蓉
本文源于《剑桥国际事务评论》(CRIA) Vol.37,No.5,2024,本文为公益分享,服务于科研教学,不代表本平台观点。如有疏漏,欢迎指正。