2024-10-22 12:02:55

顶端新闻记者 赵珮岐 张弋


To promote the revitalization of Yangshao cultural heritage and explore its contemporary relevance, the Yangshao Cultural Heritage Protection, Inheritance, and Innovation Alliance was established in Sanmenxia, Henan Province, on October 17, 2024.


Initiated by the Sanmenxia Yangshao Culture Research Center, the Yangshao Culture Alliance includes 63 members from cultural protection institutions at Yangshao sites, along with archaeological organizations, research institutes, museums, media, and cultural enterprises across 13 provinces. The alliance aims to integrate resources, foster collaboration, and enhance the protection and utilization of Yangshao heritage while supporting its World Heritage application and contributing to China's archaeological modernization.

10月16日,河南国际传播中心、顶端新闻国际传播账号黄河故事联合青海Go Qinghai机构账号、四川国际传播中心、甘肃国际传播中心、宁夏广播电视台丝路传播中心、内蒙古广播电视台国际传播部、陕西国际传播中心、山西国际传播中心、中国山东网等沿黄九省(区)国际传播平台共同推出仰韶文化遗产保护传承创新联盟成立特别策划“汇聚仰韶之光”,选取各地仰韶文化时期代表性文物,通过创意双语海报,向世界推介仰韶文化。

On October 16, Dingduan News' international account Yellow River Story partnered with accounts from nine Yellow River provinces—Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, and Shandong—to launch a special project titled Gathering the Radiance of the Yangshao Culture, showcasing Yangshao artifacts through creative bilingual posters to introduce the culture globally.

来源: 顶端新闻
编辑: 邱瑾