【新刊速递】《剑桥国际事务评论》(CRIA) Vol. 37, No. 4, 2024 | 国政学人
2024-09-11 21:27:15


《剑桥国际事务评论》(Cambridge Review of International Affairs)是一份同行评审期刊,发表关于国际事务的创新学术成果。其涵盖社会科学领域,包括国际关系、历史、法律、政治经济学、地区研究、发展研究和性别研究。它致力于采用多样化的方法和方法,并鼓励学术界和政策制定者提交多学科和跨学科的贡献。其2021年的影响因子为2.492,在96种国际关系期刊中排名第33。




Stories of world Politics: Between History and Fiction



Sources of empire: Negotiating history and fiction in the writing of historical IR



Stories we live by: the rise of Historical IR and the move to concepts



Epistemic security and the redemptive hegemony of magical realism



Counter-mapping the archive: a decolonial feminist research method



Everyday nuclear histories and futures in the Middle East, 1945–1948



China’s search for the future to answer the past: Liu Cixin, (science-)fiction and Chinese developmentalism



A haunting past: British defence, historical narratives, and the politics of presentism



Sylvia Wynter in the Arctic: early modern expeditionary narratives and the construction of ‘Man’



题目:Stories of world Politics: Between History and Fiction

作者:Niyousha Bastani,加拿大多伦多大学逃避实验室和侨民与跨国研究中心的博士后研究员,剑桥大学政治与国际研究博士,兴趣领域包括全球政治中的种族、关怀、教育和心理学;

Italo Brandimarte,英国剑桥大学政治与国际研究博士候选人,兴趣主要涵盖批判性战争与安全研究、后殖民与去殖民思想以及科学技术研究领域。


The discipline of International Relations is defined by a fundamental tension between history and fiction. On the one hand, historical approaches are crucial in tracing the origins of international order, contextualising key concepts, and uncovering marginalised voices. On the other, the discipline is invariably caught in its own mythologies, which shape what is “real” and “true” in global politics. Instead of treating the ambiguous distinctions between history and fiction as problems to be definitively resolved, this Special Issue takes up these tensions as generative for understanding, manoeuvring, and even disrupting and (re)imagining the field of IR. Examining these dynamics from several perspectives – from the writing of history to the political force of fictional imaginaries – the articles in this Issue show that the relation between history and fiction is a constitutive force of the international, in both theory and practice. Bringing together historical and critical perspectives, the Issue elucidates how ideas of history and fiction, reality and storytelling, facticity and imagination shape and are in turn shaped by world politics. Historical approaches to IR, we argue, can do much more than adjudicate between these amorphous categories. Here, we pursue the possibilities.


题目:Sources of empire: Negotiating history and fiction in the writing of historical IR

作者:Julia Costa Lopez,荷兰格罗宁根大学国际关系史与理论助理教授,牛津大学国际关系学博士。


In framing themselves as myth-busters, historical IR scholars have inscribed the distinction between history and fiction into how they speak to the discipline. And yet, engagement with what this might mean for the status of historical knowledge has mostly focused on broad metatheoretical distinctions and debates. Against this, I argue that questions about historical knowledge and its status are best understood as contingent settlements in the research practice of writing history, pursuing specific questions and writing specific answers. Through an exploration of the early stages in the creation of the Iberian Empires in the fifteenth century and the chronicles that provide an account of it, the article seeks to make visible the negotiations and settlements involved in writing history along four aspects of the distinction between history and fiction: facticity, emplotment, genre and the situated politics of history.


题目:Stories we live by: the rise of Historical IR and the move to concepts

作者:Oliver Kessler,德国埃尔福特大学国际关系教授,研究重点包括偶然性、风险和不确定性的社会理论以及跨学科研究的历史;Halvard Leira,挪威国际事务研究所(NUPI)国际关系研究教授,研究涵盖外交、外交政策、概念史、国际思想和国际秩序。


Scholars of the humanities and social sciences are necessarily storytellers. Thus, crafting narratives is an inescapable feature of the practice of International Relations scholarship. We tell stories about the past to orient ourselves in the present and envision the future. Historical International Relations has greatly expanded the repertoire of available narrative elements. However, when we read the past through the prism of our present, we risk closing down opportunities for different ways of imagining both the present and the future. In this article, we acknowledge the advances made in HIR over the last decades but suggest that a closer engagement with conceptual history would enhance its potential even further, making it possible to explore how a wider space of experience can also widen our horizon of expectations.


题目:Epistemic security and the redemptive hegemony of magical realism

作者:Xymena Kurowska,意大利佛罗伦萨欧洲大学学院社会与政治科学博士,维也纳中欧大学国际关系副教授。

摘要:本文将认识论安全的概念发展为一种本体安全的形式。认识论安全指的是一种救赎性霸权感,它源自参与认识论权威的仪式化体系。这类体系由转变为守护型专家的专家们进行策略性地识别和培育,他们将知识生产仪式化以产生集体赋权。认识论安全对本体安全研究中给现代专业知识和反思性能动性的概念提出了质疑。守护型专家将知识形成嵌入传统而非方法论怀疑主义中,并否认其解释框架的认识论暴力。本文在与“魔幻现实主义”(magical realism)的互动中发展出这一论点——“魔幻现实主义”是俄罗斯亲政权学术话语中现实主义国际关系理论的一种仪式化脚本。通过仪式性的掌控,魔幻现实主义的守护型专家实现从科学框架到神圣框架的“神奇滑移”,使俄乌冲突具有霸权性的救赎意义,成为一种科学推导的、历史注定的以及政治上审慎的大国行动。

This article develops the concept of epistemic security as a form of ontological security. Epistemic security denotes a sense of redemptive hegemony that derives from participation in ritualised schemes of epistemic authority. Such schemes are strategically identified and cultivated by experts turned guardian experts who ritualise knowledge production to generate collective empowerment. Epistemic security troubles the notion of modern expertise and reflexive agency in ontological security studies. Guardian experts embed knowledge formation in tradition rather than methodological scepticism and disavow epistemic violence of their interpretative frameworks. I develop the argument in engagement with ‘magical realism’—a ritualised script of the realist International Relations theory in the pro-regime Russian academic discourse. Through ritual mastery, the guardian experts of magical realism perform ‘magic slippage’ from scientific to sacred frames to render Russia’s war on Ukraine hegemonically redemptive, as a scientifically derived, historically preordained, and politically prudent act of a great power.


题目:Counter-mapping the archive: a decolonial feminist research method

作者:Alice E. Finden,英国杜伦大学国际政治助理教授。


The past decade has seen a growing interest in the ‘turn to history’ which has coincided with a counter-reading of the archive as a means to trouble contemporary practices of governance. In this article, I explore what a decolonial feminist approach to the colonial archive can look like through the development of a research method that involves counter-mapping. This method included the use of participatory interviews, carried out between 2019–2020, that involved asking interviewees to annotate colonial maps of Cairo, and the co-creation of an alternative map. This method presented a decolonial space where I, the researcher, and the participants, co-investigated the spatial securitisation of urban sites as ‘security threats’ and ‘dangerous communities’. In doing so, we co-examined how certain security ‘truths’ constructed by the colonial archive transcend the colonial/modern continuum in new postcolonial forms of securitisation in Egypt. Securitised spaces on the map were, instead, reimagined as spaces of emancipation and life. At the same time, the gendered differences between participants also point to the coloniality of gender in Egypt. In light of this, I thereby also discuss the troubles of representative methods, and the need for an intersectional feminist approach to decolonial research methods.


题目:Everyday nuclear histories and futures in the Middle East, 1945–1948

作者:Hebatalla Taha,瑞典隆德大学政治学系和中东高级研究中心副高级讲师,研究涉及中东地区经济、技术与战争的交汇点,特别是巴勒斯坦、以色列和埃及。


This article examines nuclear imaginaries in the Arabic-speaking Middle East. It situates people from the Arab world into nuclear thought, looking at how the atomic age rapidly became part of everyday lives. Embracing the idea that reality and fiction are not only deeply intertwined but also co-constitutive, it analyses everyday engagements with the nuclear condition in the aftermath of the bombing of Japan, across a wide range of sources. The article argues that these semi-fictional historical sources—memoirs, pseudo-scientific predictions, speculative reports published in newspapers, popular science books and even rumours—capture an affective moment at the beginning of the atomic age, which was marked by hysteria, widespread speculation and exaggeration. Discussions on nuclear weapons, precisely because the extent of their destruction seems unimaginable, blur the boundaries between ‘real’ and ‘fictional’, offering a unique opportunity to reflect on stories of world politics and on the tensions within historical International Relations.


题目:China’s search for the future to answer the past: Liu Cixin, (science-)fiction and Chinese developmentalism

作者:Aleš Karmazin, 捷克布拉格都市大学亚洲研究系和安全研究中心助理教授,关注从不同视角分析政治秩序,尤其关注中国、印度及全球秩序。


This paper analyses Remembrance of Earth’s Past, also known as The Three-Body Trilogy, by Liu Cixin and its connections to Chinese politics and Historical IR. I examine how the Trilogy as a contemporary pop-cultural artefact and a fictional narrative sustains, recrafts and critically deals with the historical, conceived here as constructions of history, historical trajectories and the key historic challenges. I respond to the call of this special issue to consider new dimensions of how storytelling and Historical IR can be disruptive. On the theoretical level, I distinguish the notions of external and internal disruptions (critiques) with the help of pragmatism and post-colonialism. On the empirical level, I argue that the Trilogy offers an internal critique of China’s long-term obsession with developmentalist modernisation by expressing ironies and uncertainties of it. It reveals limits (‘selvedges’) of development(alism) by showing that it is ultimately unachievable, unnecessary and uncontrollable. In other words, the internal disruption stems from exposing the final frontiers of the given tradition where its internal logic starts to crumble.


题目:A haunting past: British defence, historical narratives, and the politics of presentism


David Morgan-Owen,英国伦敦国王学院战争史高级讲师;Aimée Fox,英国伦敦国王学院高级讲师;Huw Bennett,英国卡迪夫大学国际关系高级讲师。


This article examines historical fictions as social processes by which ideas about conflict and warfare are constructed and narrated within society. Focusing on Britain, it explores ‘truth telling’ about the past in an applied context, examining efforts to construct and sustain narratives about Britain’s military past and their role in upholding forms of political and societal consensus that underpin the development and use of military power. We offer a typology of the ways in which Western liberal states shape and mobilise historical fictions within their distinctive forms of militarism and civil-military relations: ‘Telling Stories’—curating and sustaining social understandings of military power through public displays, museums, and ceremonies; ‘Hiding Pasts’—using state power to shape academic research and to occlude aspects of the military past; and ‘Knowing War’—legitimating the state and armed forces’ claims to a monopoly of authoritative knowledge about war and security.


题目:Sylvia Wynter in the Arctic: early modern expeditionary narratives and the construction of ‘Man’

作者:Alister Wedderburn,英国格拉斯哥大学国际关系讲师。研究专注于批判性国际关系理论以及视觉、文学和流行文化的政治,尤其是文本制作与北极帝国探索之间的关系。


This article locates Martin Frobisher’s voyages to the North American Arctic in 1576, 1577 and 1578 in relation to the thought of Jamaican critic and theorist Sylvia Wynter. For Wynter, the post-Columbian settlement and colonisation of the Americas functioned as both a crucible and proving ground for a new, racialised understanding of the human, which she calls ‘Man’. Focusing on expeditionary narratives written by sailors on Frobisher’s three voyages to Baffin Island, the article treats these narratives as examples of travel writing, a genre occupying the mobile, labile threshold between history and fiction which has often mediated the comprehension of difference, hierarchy and (international) order. Focusing on these texts’ treatments of race and otherness, the article argues that the Arctic was a key site where the terms of relationality governing English interaction with the so-called ‘New World’ and its people were hesitatingly, clumsily and often violently worked out.

编译 | 常靖婧

审校 | 周杼樾

排版 | 吕佳

本文源于《剑桥国际事务评论》(Cambridge Review of International Affairs)Volume 37, Issue 4, 2024,本文为公益分享,服务于科研教学,不代表本平台观点。如有疏漏,欢迎指正。
